While the delivery of legal services is fundamental, our focus is on how we operate and relate, internally and externally. From the client’s point of view, we are committed to deeply understanding their business activity and culture. Our orientation is based on the premise that the provision of legal services will only be consistent if it is effectively aligned with the principles and objectives of each company and each professional. The combination of both allows us to affirm that our approach is unique, because it is centered on some pillars that form our culture, among them: (i) respect for others in our workplaces; (ii) valuing each and every professional; (iii) agility and informality; (iv) cordiality and ethics in the relationship with our clients and towards third parties; (iv) our infrastructure, with the use of advanced technology resources, which helps us operate more effectively and efficiently, providing swift information to the client, whether in the litigation or advisory sphere.
Adryana Marcilio Rodrigues
Ângela Acioli De Lima
Bárbara Fernanda Napoleão Macahyba
Beatriz Victorino Faustino
Bruno De Medeiros Lopes Tocantins
Carlos Augusto De Oliveira Lameira
Daniela Elias Cerqueira
Dayana Mulatinho Trindade
Diana De Oliveira Gonçalves
Eduardo Doria Franco Fraga
Eliana Rodrigues Dos Santos
Felipe Leopoldino Correia
Fernanda Carvalho Martinez
Fernanda Correia Lima
Fernanda Rodrigues Dos Santos Solaira
Fernando Teodoro Venancio
Francilane Carlota De Oliveira Rezende
Gabriela Magalhães Bonfim
Guilherme Kopfer Carlos De Souza
Isabella Garcia F. Carvalho De Souza
Ives Costa Soulim
João Guilherme Pessanha De Queiroz
João Roberto Monteiro Costa
Joelson Belo Da Silva
José Moreira De Souza Neto
Jucielle Dos Santos Souza
Kelly Cristina Lorena De Deus
Larissa Gonçalves Balbino Da Costa
Larissa Veloso Da Costa Santos
Larissa Vieira Fernandez De Arantes
Layla De Mello Araujo
Leonardo Lopes De Carvalho Carneiro
Leonardo Pereira Da Silva
Lucas Brandao De Souza Costa
Luciana Rodrigues Lopes Da Silva
Luis Renato Paraíso De Andrade
Luiza Carvalho Costa
Luiza Viana Silva
Luma Dias Moreira Gapanowicz
Marcela Machado Paim
Marcelo Machado Cavalcanti
Marcelo Novaes Belmont
Marcia Christina
Menegassi Galli
Márcio Vinicius Costa Pereira
Marcos Da Silva Antunes Junior
Marilia Santana Fontes De Vasconcelos
Matheus Cassiano De Jesus
Mayara Aparecida Sampaio Da Silva
Michelly Yamamoto Fernandes Gonçalves
Milene Fiuza Da Silva Lima
Mirela Pereira Alves
Monique Torres Martins
Nathalia Rebello Lima
Paola Odorizzi
Pedro Alexandre Soares Neto
Priscilla Veloso Sales Dos Santos
Rafaella Kristine De Vasconcelos Azevedo
Renata Xavier Larichia
Thayná Correia De Souza Ferreira
Thiago Luiz Fagundes Da Cunha
Thutia Bernardo
Victória Neves Santiago Azevedo
Vitor Amorim De Castro
Viviane De Oliveira P. Kopler
Wanderson Corrêa Amaral